ijawɨɨ́taamɨ ‘irapay’, palm species

Part of Speech noun
Irregular Plural ijawɨɨ́taamɨya
Root ijawɨɨ́taamɨ
    • ‘irapay’, palm species

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  • Main Entry:
    • ijáwɨɨmɨ ‘irapay’, a small palm with slender stalks about 1.25m in height and slender leaves that emerge in a pair from a single stalk; grows well in sandy soils with considerable leaf litter (<sásakɨ>) and in moist areas near the banks of creeks. Harvested in significant quantities to be woven into <iitaari> (‘crisnejas’), both for the construction of roofs in the community and for sale in Iquitos; in the 1990s and 2000s, the sale of ‘crisnejas’ was the principal source of income in the community