A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 1237

Word senses:

O kehaa vai o damidami na hio rori teo vasu vai o maraoboto. Beori hio, ore paa hio vaberobero kurus tea peha kopua vai to tei nana e ta vasu raatana. Beo damidami hapus, ore paa tapesu kahi bona vasu ore paa obete koa. Saka antee haari tea hiri.
The Jingle shellfish sit on flat stones. When they sit there, they sit in very large numbers in a single pool with a flat rock. When the Jingle Shellfish fill up (the whole place), they fall off the stone and just lie there. They cannot crawl.
Source: Sii 45W(Joy) 296-300