A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 1285

Word senses:

Demdem. O kehaa vai na tei batana rasuu tea maamihu hum. Ean saka antee haa nom tea vuriha riori tahii ge ruene. Beori hiri vo ruene ge tahii eori repaa matemate. A kapa no kehaa vai saka kikis haana, o apaapa koa, me bean kom taono nie, eve repaa tavuroro vakahu koa. O kehaa bona saka aniani haa riori.
Snail. This shell-animal stays everywhere in the bush. You cannot find it in the sea or in a river. If they crawl into the river or the sea, they die. The shell of this shell-animal is not strong, but thin, and if you step on it, it just quickly crushes to pieces. This shell-animal is not eaten.
Source: Sii 45W(Joy) 071-076