A gaagaga a iana a mataa, na teitei batana namana bara rapana irihi. Tea roava ore paa tei nana irihi, tea bon ore paa nao vo namana. A iana bona a koma kakaavoo, a toon nae he na tei me nana bona maa sii hum kakaavoo ae amaa hum paru. Gaga batana beove gaga vapepeha bata me nana bona maa taba to aniani nae. A iana vai na aniani ria tavaan.
The gaagaga mullet is a good fish, it stays in the ocean and near the edge of the reef. During the day it stays at the edge of the reef, in the night it goes to the ocean. This fish has a white belly, but its back has white and black parts. It drinks water together with the things that it eats. This fish is eaten by the people.