A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 1768

Word senses:

A tabaan teo guu: O guu vai to tei rori vaan, na vaan ri riori bona kaukau, tapeako vai a mahaka bara overe vai a vana.. Eori mee na suru rakerake komana batari bona tabaan teori. Beori suru kasuana tea masi, na an batari bono katoo, iobo gea tabae to antee riori tea an.
The food of pigs: Pigs that live in the village are fed sweet potatoes, cooked manioc and young coconuts. The pigs also dig up the ground when they are searching for their food. When they dig up the ground in the reef, they eat crabs, sea cucumbers and whatever they can eat.
Source: Joy 26W 151-154