Haopi a iana vai a mataa kurus, tei pete nana irihi tea maa kopua. Tabaan teve o kasuana bara o vasu. A iana bona be rosin ni karaara, ore paa vasivuhu teo kasuana, rapano vasu vai o bebeera, ore paa goroho varavihi paano kasuana. Beori vasivuhu, na antee rori tea hopo paano kasuana bona 26 (buakusaavun peha totoka) centimetres, ei to hopo vaantee nae. O haopi na hopo vabuaku bara vakukan rori tea maa peha maa govee.
The haopi wrasse is a very good fish, it stays in the reef in the pools. Its food is sand and stones. When this fish escapes from us, it buries itself into the sand, next to the big stones, and then sleeps hidden underground. When they bury themselves in the sand, they can go underground 26 cm, that's how deep they go into the sand. Two or three haopi go together into a single hole.