A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 2381

Word senses:

A huuhua o kaku vagana to paku bata raara beara hua batara teo sinivi. Eara na rurun ni naora a kanono, a iri re tei vananaoana kahi bata nao bono sinivi. A iana kahi koto mau be boha voen a sii rutaa iana to nao batana, eve repaa ma agomo vahoara bona iri. Ahiki ta beana, evehee a iri na vapopoto koa raara bono haba toa vai o kakaavo ge ta maa meha maa kaku kara taba vai to tamee nana.
The paddling is a kind of fishing that we do while paddling a canoe. We cast the line so that the hook stays far away from the canoe. A fish will bite when it thinks that a little fish is swimming there along, and then it comes and accidentally swallows the hook. There is not bait, but we fix a white rooster feather to the hook or some other kind of longish thing that is flexible.
Source: Eno 16W 041-044