A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 3346

Word senses:

Nabunuu roho na viana rori bona moon ore vahio bona otei. Me beori tau mee bona moon suunano vo tea otei suunano, toro asun bara kaku bene guu, eori repaa taotao bari. E guu bona to pasi dee bata riori, beori nao tea vaahovo bona moon inu tea otei. O taatate vai na paku riori, beori tau vaamee moon. Beori saka paku haa bari, na antee riori tea paku murino vavahio. A banoasi na otei repaa gono me bene guu bono mago geo kuriri.
In the past the woman was chosen (by the elders) to marry the man. When they took a chiefly woman to a chiefly man, they had to kill and butcher a pig and then they baked it. This pig they would carry along when they went to lead the woman inside the man's house. This custom was carried out when they were about to take the woman to her future husband. If they did not do it, they could not get married. The man's relatives got the pig with bats' teeth or shell money.
Source: Joy 26W 080-087