A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 3576

Word senses:

A koea a iana a bebeahu. Na teitei batana tea ahono, pesuu ae teo vasu. Na anteee nana mee tea vuhu teo kasuana. A suin na koea na pereperee nana. Be sun tea ahono sa antee haa noman tea tara vakahu tea tabae a suin nae na tara vaapeha me koana bona ahono. A koea a ihu bebeahu. A iana bona a nin mataa na aniani ria tavaan.
The Cigar Wrasse is a small long fish. It stands in the green seaweed, the brown seaweed and in the stones. It also can dig itself into the sand. The body of the Cigar Wrasse is green. When it stands in the green seaweed, you cannot quickly recognise it because its body looks exactly like the green seaweed. The Cigar Wrasse has a long nose. This fish is tasty, the people eat it.
Source: Vaa 09W 196-203