A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 3770

Word senses:

A ba suburaara na kuukuhi overe ni roho bona kehaa. A hena no kehaa bona na dao riori bono korivahi. O korivahi na nibusu riori, eori repaa nibusu pete bene ta naono to paa kahu vamatatopo vuru ori. Eori repaa kisi ni bono kehaa te ta naono.
Our grandparents scraped the coconuts with a shell. The name of this shell is korivahi (Thorny Oyster). They made a hole into the Thorny Oyster, then they also made a hole into the wooden stool (lit. piece of wood) that, in preparation, they had already carved before. Then they tied the shell to the wooden stool.
Source: Joy 17W 075-079