A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 4159

Word senses:

Na tei rori o buaku o kaku maraahiri. O meho maraahiri na dao riori bono sitono. O maraahiri bona o bebeahu. O meho maraahiri o kakato bara tatabonata. A suin no maraahiri na kakaavoo bara tara vaparu vasiihum batana mee. O kiririi no maraahiri o toutou. O toutou nae na toutou vakamis araraara. Maraahiri na teitei rori tea maamihu hum teo kakaamuru, tea ahono, teo vasu. A tabaan teori o pesuu ae ahono.
There are two kinds of rabbitfish. One kind of rabbitfish is called sitono. This rabbitfish is long. The other rabbitfish is short and broad. The body of the rabbitfish is white and also looks a bit blackish. The top fin of a rabbit fish is spiky. Its spikes painfully prick us. The rabbitfish stay everywhere in the white sand, in the seaweed and in the stones. Their food is the brown and the green seaweed.
Source: Vaa 09W 262-271