A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 5432

Word senses:

A pasuaromo a sii iana a sii beera vareko. Na teitei batana tea kavara na maamihu hum tea kopua, irihi, rapana namana, tea ahono ei be puhana maa. Na aniani nana bono vahara kehaa, o vahara katoo ae kasuana mee. A pasuaromo na kakaavoo ki nana komanae. A toon nae he na taratara vaparu vasiihum batana. A iana bona a tabaan a mataa, na aniani riori.
The pasuaromo is quite a big fish. It stays everywhere in the lagoon, at the edge of the reef, near the ocean, and in the seaweed when the high tide comes. It feeds on little shells, little crabs, and also sand. The pasuaromo is grey on its belly. But its back looks a bit blackish. The fish is good food, it is eaten.
Source: Vaa 09W 301-308