A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 5437

Word senses:

A tabaan tea pasuhupi a vua ruhu, bai, ohita, kariapa bara dosiri. A gaga teori he amaa nama ruene vai to agaa batana tea maa vakarapi to dao raara bona siroaka. A goroho teori he, na kavara hana gunaha rori tea naono vai to dao raara bono ruhu.
The food of the flying fox are the fruit and nuts of the ficus, mango, galip nut tree, myrtle and the burckella tree. They drink from the water puddles that float in the forks (and) are called siroaka 'mirror'. When they sleep they all hang down from the tree that we call ruhu ficus.
Source: Sii 10W 076-078