A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 6327

Word senses:

A sakosakopo o peho sii kaku vagana to pakupaku raara tea bon en rapana kasuana. O kaku vagana bona mene gono bona vahara iana mene beana. O taba to vagavagana bata ni raara na potee nana bona kakavei, evehee ahiki ta kave. Eara na pam koa ni rara o kara taba teo kururu o vaabaoru. Eara repaa pita bata koa mi rae kasuana. Beara baitono beo vahara iana karas maa, eara repaa peata takin bata koa ri raori vo kasuana. O vahara iana vai a karepana ae a totoea.
The sakosakopo is a kind of fishing that we do at night near the beach. It is a kind of fishing for getting little fish for baits. The thing that we use for fishing is similar to the kakavei, but it does not have a net. We just tie the rope to the bent bamboo. Then we just walk along the beach. When we hear the little fish making a noise, we shovel saltwater with both arms, so that the fish are chased towards the beach. (lit we shove them (with the both arms holding these prepared bamboos) out of (the water) to the beach). These little fish are the Dwarf Mullets and the newborn rabbitfish.
Source: Eno 16W 106-112