A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 6521

Word senses:

O giroas no subaaka o paru. Eori saka antee haari tea naovo binubinu tea roava. Ei kou tea roava to goroho riori. Na hana gunaha rori, beori goroho rori. Tea tauravi to tagune riori, eori repaa nao tea rake bona tabaan teori. A tabaan teori a vua veresun, vua ruhu, ae a meha maa kaku vua to antee riori tea an. A subaaka na an riori, a tabaan a mataa. (Pasuhupi teo koara vaa hiava.)
The colour of the flying fox is black. They cannot fly around during the day. Because they sleep during the day. They hang in the trees when they are sleeping. In the evening they wake up and then they go to look for their food. Their food is the fruit of the wild banana, the ficus fruit and other kinds of fruit that they can eat. The flying fox is eaten, it is good food. (Pasuhupi in the mountain dialect)
Source: Joy 26W 103