O tapeeesi na hirihiri batari tea ahono. Eve mee o vakunakuna. O buo totoka o kuna teve. Beori rake ta ani tapeesi, eori repaa nao tea avete tapeesi tea ahono. Murinae eori repaa siki booboha bari, ore paa gono bona komano tapeesi. Eori repaa nahu me bari bona maa nahu paapao. Beo tapeesi o rutaa, a kuna nae saka hoa tavus vira haana. Beve beera bata, a kuna nae repaa hoa tavus bata.
The Common Spider Conches crawl in the green seaweed. It has also spines. Seven spines. When they want to eat the Common Spider Conch, they go to collect them in the green seaweed. Then they crack and break them, and then they get the inside of the Common Spider Conch and cook it with a pot of greens. When the Common Spider Conch is small, its spines have not grown very much outside. When it is big, its spines grow outside.