A naovana vai a vaiata a mata kikis kurus, na tara viviana kurus nana bona iana vai a beera bara mataa, ore paa ato bona, ore paa no ani bona teo naono. O vaabuaku o matapaku tea vaiata. Bea vaiata gigo nana, eve toro matatopo nana bona hai teve. Be vahuhu ore paa kopo tea hai teve. Beo rupi vaabaaba vakavara, ore paa vabooboha.
This bird, the eagle, has very sharp eyes, it spots a big and good fish, grabs it and then eats it on the tree. A second habit of the eagle is the following. When the (female) eagle is pregnant, she must prepare her nest. When she lays eggs, she sits in her nest. When the eggs have developed into creatures, they hatch.