A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 8540

Word senses:

Bea sii naovana raka a suin nae, ore paa kikis, erau e sinanae repaa kapee tavus bona tea vaasusu bona tea naovo. Kapee vai e, ore paa naovo mi bona, pasi naovo hiavau ore paa varakaha ni maa bona gina. Erau e sinanae repaa naovo kaakoo vaha batana paana nae. Bea beiko nagunagu maa, ore paa ma toka vaavuriha vahaa toon ne sinanae. Pasi paku tamuana vo nom en ore antee bea beiko kikis bara nata ni bona maamihu taba to vaasusu nae sinanae bona.
When the body of the little bird is dry and strong strong, its mother takes him out piggyback to teach it how to fly. Giving it a piggyback ride, she flies with it, she would fly up high and let it free in the height. Then the mother flies underneath it. When the child is exhausted, it perches again on its mother's back and has a rest. She will always do it like this, until the child is strong and knows everything that its mother has taught it.
Source: Sii 10W 020-024