~ekili shiver, shake, tremble / shake, have an earthquake

Part of Speech verb, intransitive
Phonetic Form (i·)ekili
Tanema Equivalent ~ekili
Reduplication Form(s) ~ekilikili
    • shiver, shake, tremble
      • Example 670:
        Menu one i-ekili ka i-uku.
        My baby is shivering and coughing.
      • Example 671:
        Basavono po mwaliko malaria i-vagasi, basa i-meli, ebele i-ekilikili, panavono i-ke.
        When you catch malaria, your head hurts, your body shivers, you feel hot…
    • shake, have an earthquake
    • Typical Subject ground
      (Part of) Synonym (for)
      • Example 672:
        La-lengi tanoe pe ka i-ekili.
        They felt the earth shake.

Related entries

  • See also:
    • miko earthquake
    • ~a tremble with fear; feel very uncomfortable