~pono2 taste bitter or unpleasant to ‹s.o.› / poison ‹s.o.›, make ‹s.o.› sick

Part of Speech verb, transitive
Phonetic Form (i·)pono
Tanema Equivalent ~pao
Lovono Equivalent ~pei
    • taste bitter or unpleasant to ‹s.o.›
    • poison ‹s.o.›, make ‹s.o.› sick
    • Typical Subject fish
      Sense Comment esp
      • Example 2120:
        Nga namuko i-pono eo, kape sa eo i-meli.
        If a fish poisons you, your stomach will ache.

Related entries

  • Heterosemes:
    • ~pono1 sour, bitter, unpleasant to taste