~punuo1 steal, snap (s.th., ñe) / kidnap (s.o., ñe)

Part of Speech verb, oblique transitive
Phonetic Form (i·)punuo
Tanema Equivalent ~sibwano
Lovono Equivalent ~apenoa
    • steal, snap (s.th., ñe)
      • Example 2149:
        Eo a-punuo ñe okor' 'naka?
        Did you steal my knife?
    • kidnap (s.o., ñe)
    • Encyclopedic Info Hist.: Term used especially when referring to the time of Blackbirding, involving the forceful recruiting of manpower from Vanikoro and other islands.
      • Example 2150:
        Noma vana uña toñaki van li-ka li-punuo ñe idi li-lui.
        In the olden days, ships used to come and kidnap people to carry them away.

Related entries

  • Heterosemes:
    • ~punuo2 (do) stealthily, illegally
  • See also: