~viaene hit, trample+
Part of Speech |
verb, transitive
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Main Entry:
kick, touch ‹s.th.› with o.'s feet; step on ‹s.th.› / hit ‹s.th.› with o.'s feet noisily or violently: trample, stomp / stumble upon ‹s.th.› with o.'s feet; hence slip, fall / trip ‹s.o.› up / be so plentiful as to trip ‹their owner› up in their garden. Proverbial saying, referring to s.o.'s economic prosperity / hit ‹s.o.›, touch, esp. with some physical impact / reach ‹a certain moment›; last ‹a certain time› / become suddenly known to ‹s.o.›, with some emotional impact; hence affect, disturb, move, catch by surprise / like ‹s.o., s.th.›; want, desire ‹s.o., s.th.› / want to do s.th.; want that / want, desire