ngogoro1 bush, forest (opp. kulumoe, village)

Part of Speech noun
Phonetic Form ŋoᵑgoro
Tanema Equivalent arara
Lovono Equivalent atere
    • bush, forest (opp. kulumoe, village)
      • Example 1297:
        Poi pe li-womanga ne kulumoe, vao i-moloe ne ngogoro.
        Domesticated pigs are fed in the village, but wild pigs wander about in the forest.
      • Example 1508:
        Ngogoro ka i-maili.
        The bush has grown there.
      • Example 1972:
        Li-le li-toe longe ne ngogoro ka li-tabe li-kamai li-wapio i-vio ne moe.
        They went to chop firewood in the bush, then brought it back and piled it up in the house.

Related entries

  • Heterosemes:
  • See also:
    • atero fallow garden
    • etera in the bush, in the gardens