tabuluburi quiver: container used for storing arrows (puro, [...]

Part of Speech noun
Phonetic Form taᵐbuluᵐburi
    • quiver: container used for storing arrows (puro, diro) during hunting or warfare
    • Infobox Quivers: A quiver is a long sheath where you can insert your arrows. You hang it on your shoulder, with arrows inside. When you want to shoot someone, you draw out an arrow and shoot.
      Infobox (Teanu) tabuluburi: Tabuluburi, tonge iote pine pe li-loko puro i-koie ene. Li-akawo tabuluburi ne adie idi, puro i-vio ene. Basavono po le-ko li-ago idi, li-katei i-ke ka li-iui.

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