tetakoie inland, seen from the shore; uphill / towards the coast, towards [...]

Part of Speech locative
Phonetic Form tetakoje
Variant Form(s) teta-koie ; takoie
Tanema Equivalent eto-da
Lovono Equivalent leve ngate
Morphology ~koie ‘go inland’
    • inland, seen from the shore; uphill
    • Literally inside
      Syntactic Restriction geocentric directional
      • Example 2417:
        Sekele iaba ene vitoko ne, takoie ne.
        Our garden is here, uphill this way.
      • Example 2418:
        Li-koioi li-su buluko ka li-koie li-vagasi takoie.
        They lit torchlights and led them in, until they reached (the village) inland.
    • towards the coast, towards the island
    • Syntactic Restriction seen from the sea
      • Example 566:
        Li-koie takoie ne touro ponu, dapa wopine kula li-ke li-le.
        While they were walking up towards the shore, some of the [island's] chiefs walked down towards them.
      • Example 1253:
        Dapa kula li-katei noma nuduro tilu ponu, li-koioi tetakoie, i-le i-vene ne moko taniboro.
        Some people pull the two ends of the scareline towards the shore, to a dry zone.
      • Example 1571:
        Li-ka ne mataiko Paiu ponu, dapa li-te takoie ponu, ne kulumoe pon.
        As they were [sailing] through the Paiou channel, some men were waiting for them on the coast, on land.

Related entries

  • Subentry:
    • takoie towards the island; inland