Part of Speech | neg.constr |
MWE Structure | neg - adv |
Variant Form(s) | ahiki kurus |
Morphology | ahiki kurusu |
Gloss | not.exist indeed |
Example 96:
Source: Eno Tah 01E(Eno) 069Mark: Ahiki kurusu.(Enoch: You did not drink any medicine?) Mart: Not at all.
Example 97:
Source: Sii 17W 057Ahiki kurus to naono vai to sun kokoraa nana teo kasuana.(When we look at all the trees, we see that all the trees have their roots.) Indeed, there isn´t any tree that stands without (roots) on the ground.
Example 98:
Source: Iar 02E(Eno) 026Eori he tea vairaira ni bona taba vai, ahiki kurus beori sue vataaree ni bari, na vavaravihi ori.When they checked on this thing, they did not talk at all in public about it, they kept it secret. (lit. it isn't at all the case that they talked ...)