Part of Speech | n2 |
Example 1470:
Source: Sii 10W 077A gaga teori he amaa nama ruene vai to agaa batana tea maa vakarapi to dao raara bona siroaka.Their drink (i.e. the flying foxes' drink) is the water puddles that stay in the forks (and) are called siroaka ('mirror').
Example 1471:
Source: Vos 03R(Vos) 065Ei na dao komana riori bona gaga maurata.They simply call it the maurata drink.
Example 1472:
Source: VaaSen 01W 082O sukuita o taba o avuhu mataa bara na vavaatei riori tea maa aito beori tau paku bona gaga to dao riori bona namana.Sukuita is a good-smelling thing and they put it in the herbal mixtures when they make the drink they call "namana".