Part of Speech | vt |
Example 2215:
Source: Joy 19W 020Beve hooto, ean paa kara o matana.When it is ripe, you pull out the top. (i.e. of the ganogano)
Example 2611:
Source: Sii 41W 017Beara kabuu, eara na kara rara o matana vai to neba roho ara.When we harvest it, we uproot the top of the taro root that we planted before.
Example 2944:
Source: Aro Sha Joy 01W 017Beo ganogano manoto, eara repaa kara o matana.When the ganogano is ripe, we pull out its root top.
Example 2945:
Source: Tav 01R 652-653Ahiki beori taatagi bona maa mohina, kara bata koa, eori repaa vateen vo tea maa camp teori.They did not tidy up the gardens, they just uprooted (crops) and then they brought them to their camps in backpacks.