Part of Speech | vt/vd |
Example 1007:
Source: Eno 11W 090A koinia na gono raara tea kave ge tea sunuu taataana tea bon.The Convict Surgeonfish we get by netting or by torch fishing on the reef at night.
Example 3178:
Source: Nan 03R 157No kave maa a iana vai.Go and catch this fish with the net.
Example 3179:
Source: Eno 16W 058-059O iana to kave ri raara ei o iana vaa rapana kasuana ge hana taataana: a paeri, maraahiri, manasu, kaabusi, pasuaromo.The fish we catch with nets are the fish near the beach or in the area where we can walk at low tide are: the paeri-rabbitfish, the maraahiri-rabbitfish, the Blackspot Snapper, and the emperor.
Example 3180:
Source: Eno 16W 066Eara na antee rara tea kave sitiring a maamihu kaku iana vai to kave raara bona maa meha kave.With the plastic string net we can catch all kinds of fish that we can catch with the other nets.