Part of Speech | prep |
Variant Form(s) | k= |
Morphology | ki |
Gloss | DAT |
Comment | This preposition typically marks an adjunct as referring to an addressee, beneficiary or recipient. But when it is incorporated in the verb complex (VC), these roles are encoded by the primary object. Secondly, it marks pronominal objects of the first and second person that depend on a verb complex marked by the applicative <ni> or the incorporated preposition <mi> 'with'. Thirdly it is used in a special kind of comparative construction, see <vaarutaa ki> |
Example 1260:
Source: Aro 11E(Eno) 066Me teiee to paa dee ki mau vuan bona?And who gave it to you?
Example 3332:
Source: Aro 05R 078e sinanae paa sue ki bona, "Gaagin, ..."his mother said to him, "Gaagin, ..."
Example 3333:
Source: Nan 03E(Eno) 167Mea sii beiko paa sue ki maa bona, "..."And the child said to him, "..."
Example 3334:
Source: Aro 06R 022-023me vaanoto vai mepaa nahunahu vai ki bene sinanae,and (she) lit (the fire) and cooked for her mother