kopioro nerite, a small round edible shellfish

Part of Speech n3
    • nerite, a small round edible shellfish
      • animals, shellfish
      • Example 3741:
        O kopioro o meho kehaa vaa tahii. O kopioro na bero rori teo vasu vaa Teavorana. Tea sivao o kapioro repaa hiri tavusu kahi bono vasu to varavihi riori tea roava. A tavaan na naonao rori tea gono kapioro tea bon, bea sivao para nana. Eori repaa vahapusu maa bona maa hoi bara baeke teori. Beori voosu, eori repaa heehee ribona meha papana.
        The nerite is another shell of the sea. The nerites are plenty in the stones of the island of Teavorana. When the moon shines the nerites crawl out of the stones where they hide from the sun. The people go to get the nerites at night when the moon shines. Then they fill their baskets and bags. When they come home, they give them to others.
        Source: Sii 45W(Joy) 152-159

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