Part of Speech | n2 |
Example 3916:
Source: Sii 2008W 098-100A kuroii a naovana a natanata kurus. Na ogaoga nana tea tauravi. Bea moon tau gigo vataneo, ore paa oga, ei eara repaa baitono inana rara a oga teve.The owl is a very knowledgeable bird. It cries in the evening. When a woman is in the beginning of her pregnancy, it cries so that we recognise its cry.
Example 3917:
Source: Sii 2008W 101A kuroii na sue pate nana bea aba tau mate.The owl also tells us when a person is going to die.
Example 3918:
Source: Sii 2008W 102A kuroii na hio maana teo avaava teve be tara tavus maana.The owl sits in its tree hole looking outside.
Example 3919:
Source: Sii 2008W 103A kuroii mee na sue vo naen, "Matatopo, o naan to nomaa batanai."The owl also says, "Get ready, the flu is coming now "
Example 3920:
Source: Sii 37W 024A kuroii otei to rake to hum vai toro vahuhu e subuava teve. Toro tara vamataa kurus to peho hum avaava vai toro hio e subuava teve.The male owl searches for the place where his wife lays the eggs. He must look well for a tree hole where his wife would sit (to lay the eggs).