Part of Speech | n2 |
Scientific Name | Tetraodontidae |
Example 4335:
Source: Eno 20W 025-026A misimisi sa aniani vira haa ria tavaan tea tabae o bero o aba to mate roho ni bari.The misimisi pufferfish is not eaten very much by the people because many people died from eating it.
Example 4537:
Source: Eno 11W 154-156A misimisi a kapa toutou. Sa rakerake vira haa raara tea gono, evehee beara rake e, na tahi koa raara bono makaree ge o kuna vanavana ei tea ruuvu.A misimisi pufferfish has a spiky skin. We do not want to get it very much, but if we want it, we spear it with the fishing spear or the hunting spike when we dive.
Example 4538:
Source: Jub 02W 039-044Misimisi. A kapa nae na vaapeha me nana bona kioru, evehee na toutou nana. Na teitei batana tea maa kopua bara irihi. Na aniani nana bono vahara iana, katoo bara na kori batana bono vasu.Misimisi pufferfish. Its skin is similar to that of the kioru, but its skin is prickly. It stays in the lagoons and at the edge of the reef. It feeds on little fish, and crabs, and it gnaws on the stones.