Part of Speech | n2 |
Example 1080:
Source: Vaa 09W 020A aranavi na teitei nana namana bara taena maa ruene ae tea boon.The aranavi snapper stays in the ocean, at the mouth of rivers, and in the mangrove swamp.
Example 3126:
Source: Eno 11W 250-251A vigogiri na tei batana rapana kasuana, ahiki be tei namanaThe vigogiri sea snake stays near the beach, it does not stay in the deep ocean.
Example 4803:
Source: San 01R 020-022Meori paa hua maa, hua bata maari namana, e suvin he tavus namanaAnd they paddled, (they) were paddling in the deep ocean, when the suvin demon appeared in the deep ocean.