Part of Speech | vt |
Example 5121:
Source: Sii 15W 103Rosin maa mene ona ameam, ta peha team repaa tagevo.("The footstalk of the coconut frond hangs badly, just a bit and it falls down.) Run away, otherwise it might hit you and someone of you might get injured."
Example 5122:
Source: Sii 17W 181eve he kuu mepaa ona vavuhu ni teo butoo.(Philip and his sawing group sawed the eibi tree that was standing in the swamp,) but it fell down, hit (the ground and) sank into the mud., (lit. hit dig itself into the ground)
Example 5123:
Source: Vaa Mah 01R 177-178Ei sa ona haa batari. Eori to ona, toro kesu batari naori bona abana vai to neba batari.that is, they are not able to make any hit (in the spinning top game). Those that make hits, should crack those people that will be planting.
Example 5124:
Source: Hel 09E(Sha) 016Eara samin doana haara, na pahin kasi ona bata koa raara.We won't miss it, we will immediately dig and just hit it.