Part of Speech | n3 |
Example 2659:
Source: Sii 44W 018-019O sipsip na kahukahu ririori, o vunuu teori mene paku puragete ge paku uvuuvu vaa tea tovuhu.The sheep are shorn, their wool is used for making blankets or making clothes for the cold weather. (lit. The sheep, they shear ...)
Example 5398:
Source: SiiSen 01W 502Parata o puragete tean to tapisi nana.Open your blanket that is folded.
Example 5908:
Source: SiiSen 01W 501Pisi o puragete tean.Fold your blanket.
Example 5909:
Source: SiiSen 01W 861Vaahana amaa puragete tea voea ore raka tea roava.Hang the blankets on the line so that they dry in the sun.
Example 5910:
Source: Sii Ond 01W 139a puragete, maro, amaa taba uvuuvu bara amaa tabaan.(When they arrived, the Americans gave them houses), blankets, laplaps, clothes and food.