Part of Speech | n2 |
Comment | In all examples <rahirahi> functions as the head of a plural NP which is either marked by plural marker <maa> or the plural article <o, bono>, i.e. ART2.PL. When followed by an adjective or verb, <rahirahi> can function as the head of an adjectival possessive compouns, i.e. adjectival construction (n2 adj) |
Example 6001:
Source: Sii 42W 085Amaa rahirahi na taneo maana rivonae ore suguna vo vihinae.The stripes start at its mouth and reach its tail.
Example 6002:
Source: Jub 02W 052-053Paeri. A kapa nae na tei me nana bona maa rahirahi to maramara paru vasiihum batana bara mata rahi kasikasiree.Spinefoot. Its skin has stripes that are a bit dark and some yellow stripes.