Part of Speech | n1/n2 |
Example 1978:
Source: Sii 07W 242E Sivao mee a otei a mataa. Na hee araraara bona mamana bara a murun.Sivao is also a good man. He gives us light and peace. (from a legend).
Example 2812:
Source: Eno 01R 053bea sivao kao hiava maawhen the moon rises
Example 2918:
Source: Sii 45W(Joy) 156-157A tavaan na naonao rori tea gono kapioro tea bon, bea sivao para nana.The people go to get the nerites at night, when the moon shines.
Example 6501:
Source: SiiSen 01W 580Vaaropo roho a sivao are paa nao mana tahii.Wait until the moon has set, then we'll eventually go fishing.