Part of Speech | vi |
Example 1303:
Source: Mat 01R 077Mepaa dona bona me dona me pahin tabusu nao taena no kururu.And she pierced and pierced the knots and directly got through to the bottom of the bamboo. (lit. and (it) immediately got holes (down) to the bottom of the kururu bamboo)
Example 1304:
Source: Mat 01E(Joy) 094-095Mepaa dona gunagunaha nao bona maamihu vana, me suguna taeno kururu, tabusu vakavara.And (she) pierced all the knots from the top to the bottom of the bamboo, so that all the knots had holes. (lit. And pierced going down all knots and reached the bottom of the bamboo, (the bamboo) got holes completely.)
Example 3803:
Source: Jan 01W 104A kos na nahu tenaa na takapa mepaa tabus.The bottom of my pot peeled off and got a hole.