Part of Speech | vt |
Example 2113:
Source: SiiSen 01W 416Papaana o sinivi ore hio vamataa, eam repaa taraha manae.Put something underneath the canoe to support it so that it sits well, and you can eventually plane it.
Example 3592:
Source: Eno 16W 075Kokoito. A sii ta naono to taraha raara to kisi ni raara a kanono, eara repaa vaagaa e.Float. A small piece of wood that we cut and tie to a string, and then we set it afloat.
Example 6217:
Source: Sii 16W 099Kopaa o rom overe vai, e Kiuvabuaku re taraha kanaa bono inaho.Cut this coconut stem lengthwise open, so that Kiuvabuaku can carve it into a taro planting stick for me.
Example 7271:
Source: Aro Sha Joy 01W 108Bean taraha a kapa nae, ean repaa tara a huun nae na dodoruana nana.When you shave off its bark, you see its slimy sap.