tovasuae kind of sea snake

Part of Speech n2
    • kind of sea snake
      • animals, reptiles
    • Scientific Name Hydrophiinae
      • Example 7694:
        A tovasuae a meha kuruu vaa tahii. A kuruu bona na beera oha nana bona vigogiri. O tovasuae na poopopo rori tahii, na popo rori Teavorana mee. A kahoo na tovasuae na beera oha nana bona kahoo na vigogiri. O tovasuae vai to tei batari namana, a kahoo riori na potee nana bona overe, ei kou o tovasuae bari o bebeera.
        The tovasuae is a snake of the sea. This snake is bigger than the vigogiri (snake). The tovasuae live in the sea, they live at Teavorana. The head of the tovasuae is bigger than the head of the vigogiri (snake). The tovasuae stay in the deep ocean, their head is like a coconut, because these tovasuae are big.
        Source: Sii 11W 020-015
      • Example 7695:
        A tovasuae a meha kuruu vaa tahii, evehee na teitei batana tea maa hum vai to vasuvasuana nana, ei irihi bara tea maa nae vasu ge tea maa hoa vasu, eve mee na hopohopo pete batana teo kasuana. A tovasuae a kakaavoo. A bua kuruu vai a bua vaapeha, evehee a popo teori na vaavaha ni nana. A taba to vaavaha ni nana teve ei, be avuhu ahe bona iana, ore paa hae teo sinivi be rake batana tea ani bona iana.
        The tovasuae is a snake of the sea, but it lives in places that are full of stones, like the edge of the reef and the rocky cliffs or the stony passages, it also slips into the sand. The tovasuae is white. The vigogiri and the tovasuae, these two snakes, are the same, but their lives are different. One thing in which the tovasuae is different is that when it smells fish, it comes on board of the canoe when it likes to eat fish.
        Source: Eno 11W 220-228
      • Example 7696:
        A tovasuae na tara koa vonaen tea vigogiri, evehee na rahirahi paru batana. Na vuravurahe bata ri raara paano vasu ge be ena batana toon na tahii. A teitei vagavagava mee.
        The sea snake looks like the vigogiri (snake), but it has black stripes. It is found under the stones or when it swims on the surface of the sea. It is also aggressive.
        Source: Eno 11W 230-234

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