vahara1 baby fish

Part of Speech n2
    • baby fish
      • animals, fishes
      • Example 8415:
        A vahara aasun, a vahara maraahiri bara a vahara ovunaa. A vahara na tei me nana bona amaa vuri vai to taboha me maa riori tahii, ei teo vasu. Saka taboha tapeha haa maari, na pate taboha maari teo vuri teori komana. Eori repaa kavara siiri bata maa teo vuri teori. Beori nomaa vaagum batari, a tahii ore paa marabi ge paru oha bata maa. Teebona to ani batari maari o iana bari. Beori nomaa vo tea masi, eara repaa kana riori bona maa kave taunama, are paa koma nie komano sinivi. Teebona to nomaa bata maa ria maa tavaan tea gono.
        Little tuna, little maraahiri and little ovunaa. The baby fish have their season when they hatch out in the sea, in the rocks. They do not hatch out one by one, they hatch together in a school of fish in their season. In their season they come swimming all together, causing little waves. When they are coming along in a group, the sea turns brown or black. There the (other, bigger) fish eat them. When they come to the lagoon, we scoop them up with mosquito nets and pour them into the canoe. Then the people of the village come along to get them.
        Source: Sii 11W 009-017
      • Example 8416:
        A vahara o peho hena to heehee ri raara amaa vahara iana beori vahara rori. Bero amaa vuri amaa kakukaku iana to na teitei vaagum batari. A vahara na vuravurahe bata ri raara tea maa kopua, tea ahono ge beori vaavihi batari namana.
        Vahara is a name that we give to baby fish while they are little. Many times, different kinds of fish stay together. The baby fish are found in the lagoon, in the seaweed or when they travel to the deep-sea.
        Source: Eno 11W 242-245

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