A multifunctional Teop-English dictionary: Example 2822

Word senses:

Bea otei tau nao tea kao irihi, na nao nana teo gohoho ge teo tarahi. Be tara ri nao bono iana beori ani rori, eove repaa varakaha ni bono pasu kave. Ore paa vakakao be vira batana bona kave. Be vira vakavara, eove repaa vahakaa, o iana repaa ona tea kave.
When a man is going to walk the edge of the reef to fish, he goes when the tide is coming in or going out. When he sees the fish eating, he lets go one edge of the net and runs while dropping the net. When he has finished dropping the net, he starts hitting the water with a stick, chasing the fish towards the net, so that the fish get trapped in the net.
Source: Eno 21W 010-012