tatɨɨ2 ‘pona’ (palmwood) floor

Part of Speech noun
Irregular Plural tatɨɨwɨya, tatɨɨwɨ
Root tatɨɨ
    • ‘pona’ (palmwood) floor
    • Sociolinguistics Note Some speakers consider this use of the term to be incorrect, insisting that the correct term for a floor of this type <tatɨɨkuúkujina>. The use of the term <tatɨɨ> is presumably metonymical, based on using the name of the palm species from which the palm wood for the floor is sourced as the name of the structure constructed from it

Related entries

  • Main Entry:
    • tatɨɨkuúkujina ‘tarima’ or ‘emponado’, elevated palm wood house floor, generally made from <tatɨɨ>, ‘cashapona’ palm wood
    • tatɨɨ imɨ́ɨni ‘madre del emponado’, species of small insect, a little larger than a louse, that comes to infest palm wood floors, after they are a few years old, and bites people who lie down on them