~lakau stick to ‹s.th.›, as a stain / creep on ‹s.th.›, adhere to ‹s.th.›

Part of Speech verb, transitive
Phonetic Form (i·)lakau
    • stick to ‹s.th.›, as a stain
    • Typical Subject s.th.
      • Example 1374:
        Abwa vilo i-lakau lusa ene.
        There's tree gum stuck on my shirt.
      • Example 1375:
        Abo ne eo nara i-lakau namolo iono.
        Make sure your blood doesn't stain your clothes.
    • creep on ‹s.th.›, adhere to ‹s.th.›
    • Typical Subject living organism
      Sense Comment esp
      • Example 1376:
        Moko i-lakau oie luro.
        The coral has crept over the coconut tree..
      • Example 1377:
        Kanamuko me komudo i-lakau tepungo.
        Clamshells adhere to the coral rock.

Related entries

  • See also:
    • ~tataele creep / crawl / crawl, walk on all fours / walk carefully or slowly, stooping down, either due to old age, or as one hides