~tataele creep / crawl / crawl, walk on all fours / walk carefully or [...]

Part of Speech verb, intransitive
Phonetic Form (i·)tataele
    • creep
    • Typical Subject plant
      • Example 2340:
        Kasule i-tataele ne ole.
        The vines have crept on the beach.
    • crawl
    • Typical Subject animal
      • Example 17:
        Abilo i-tataele ne tanoe.
        There’s a snake crawling on the ground.
    • crawl, walk on all fours
    • Typical Subject baby+
      • Example 2341:
        Apali i-tataele ne bete ini.
        The baby is crawling on his bed.
    • walk carefully or slowly, stooping down, either due to old age, or as one hides
    • Typical Subject adult
      • Example 2342:
        A-tataele nga pon pe i-ve?!
        Why are you stooping down like that?!

Related entries

  • See also:
    • ~lakau stick to ‹s.th.›, as a stain / creep on ‹s.th.›, adhere to ‹s.th.›