amela1 your (food+), of you two: form of the possessive classifier used [...]

Part of Speech possessive
Phonetic Form amela
Tanema Equivalent amile
Lovono Equivalent amiere
    • your (food+), of you two: form of the possessive classifier used for food, tools, customary possessions etc. (enaka*), with a 2 dual possessor (see kela*)
      • Gram
      • Example 167:
        Buioe amela, kela bai-odo ngapwae?
        Your areca nuts (for you to chew), how will you find them?

Related entries

  • See also:
    • enaka ‘my’: 1sg form of possessive classifier for Food, Tools and Customary practices / classifier for items eaten, or meant to be eaten, by the possessor; incl. items to be chewed / classifier for items drunk, or meant to be drunk, by the possessor / classifier for objects related to food acquisition and preparation / general classifier for containers, instruments and tools / classifier for certain customary practices / classifier for language (piene) / classifier for some modern items / erotic delicacy; beloved, darling