luro coconut tree or fruit

Part of Speech noun
Phonetic Form luro
Proto-Form POc: *niuR
Tanema Equivalent vadua
Lovono Equivalent vedue
    • coconut tree or fruit
    • Scientific Name Cocos nucifera

Related entries

  • See also:
    • laro young coconut, good for drinking
    • luro coconut tree or fruit
    • mata luro germinated coconut
    • buia luro sprout ball formed inside a germinated coconut
    • mana luro inflorescence of coconut / rice
    • ela2 natural juice
    • abwaro coconut ‘milk’, obtained by squeezing coconut flesh
    • kangele softer, edible part ‹of nut, shellfish›: hence endocarp; mollusc / main element ‹of›: prefix used for a few compound nouns
    • tele oil, extracted from certain plants, and cooked
    • lamwaro refuse ‹of coconut›, obtained after coconut flesh has been grated and milked
    • teipu cup made out of a coconut shell / drinking cup, e.g. for drinking kava
    • bauluko coconut palm
    • baro petiole of the coconut palm
    • uie luro coconut leaves, used to weave (~vei) a variety of artifacts
    • kiñe long, thin leaflets or vegetal fibres, typic. hanging down in great number / long, thin appendage hanging from ‹› in high number
    • iadiro midrib of a leaf
    • tenuro thick fibres composing the husk of a coconut / rope, traditionally made by braiding together coconut fibres
    • labaro husk of a coconut; esp. coir fibers in the husk / shoes, sandals
    • manave coconut skirt: cloth-like fibrous material at the base of the coconut tree
    • nuko coconut skirt: cloth-like fibrous material at the base of the coconut tree
    • laba luro coconut skirt: cloth-like fibrous material at the base of the coconut tree
    • ~avo2 split ‹wood› using an axe (kome) / husk ‹coconuts›
    • ~lu1 scrape ‹tuber› or grate ‹coconut flesh›, with a bivalve shell (aero) or grater
    • ~vei weave ‹›, plait