tepulu resin, gum ‹of tree›: sticky stuff that comes out of a tree, [...]

Part of Speech noun
Phonetic Form tepulu
Proto-Form Vaeakau-Taumako: te pulu 'glue, gum' ; POc: *ᵐbulut
    • resin, gum ‹of tree›: sticky stuff that comes out of a tree, after it has solidified
    • Infobox Kauri resin: If you cut at the trunk of a kauri tree, the sap comes out; when it hardens, we call it tepulu, “kauri resin”. Kauri resin can be stored in an empty coconut shell, and lit as a lamp.
      Infobox (Teanu) tepulu: Basavono po li-toe oie dero, abwa i-ke mina. I-ka ra ra i-beiu ka li-kila li-ko “tepulu peini dero”. Li-ovei pe li-la tepulu li-lateli ne teipu me le-su nga buluko.
      (Part of) Antonym (for)