~kanu2 chew areca nut, chew betelnut

Part of Speech verb, intransitive
Phonetic Form (i·)kanu
Proto-Form Vaeakau-Taumako: kamu
Tanema Equivalent ~abu
Lovono Equivalent ~kanu
    • chew areca nut, chew betelnut
    • Syntactic Restriction absol.
      Infobox Chewing areca nuts: Vanikoro is, with Tikopia, the world's easternmost place where the chewing of areca nuts is a traditional practice. People go in the forest to pick (~ali) areca nuts (buioe), and pinch (~kidi) betel leaves (puluko). The two elements are then mixed with lime (awo), and chewed together (~kanu) until feeling dizzy (see ~avo).
      • Example 191:
        Li-anu ero pana ka li-kanu, ka li-moloe ne kat.
        We drink tea, we chew areca nuts, and we play cards.

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